Live Well with Emily
Sharing free resources for periods, supporting hormone imbalances like PCOS, blood sugar strategies, gentle nutrition, tools to manage PMS and so much more. Follow along to learn how to manage your health intuitively without falling into restrictive eating behaviors. Ladies, your health matters. I am here to teach and guide you to understand more about your bodies and how to thrive through nutrition and lifestyle.
3 Ways Stress Sabotages Your Period for the Worst
Periods can be negatively impacted by stress. Stress is inevitable, but does not have to control your menstrual cycle. Learn more on reducing stress to support your menstrual cycle here and during Stress-Proof Your Life: Optimize Your Hormones Masterclass.
Natural Skin Care for Healthy Hormones and Smooth Menstrual Cycles
The ingredients in your skin care items matter when it comes to balanced hormones. Swapping out your most used items to a more natural product could transform your hormone imbalances for the best.
Take Control of Your Menstrual Cycle by Understanding Ovulation
Cervical mucous is a sign of ovulation when it looks like raw egg whites. Chicken eggs are a representation on ovulation in a women’s menstrual cycle.