Period Friendly Nutrition Tips to Nourish Pain Free and Energetic Menstrual Cycles

Adjusting your diet can support your menstrual cycles ever changing hormones to transform the way you feel around and on your period bleed. Diet can be used to improve PMS, period problems, and other hormone imbalances.

Specific foods can be used to improve period symptoms, satisfy period cravings, and boost energy during menstruation. First and foremost: general healthy eating including high amounts of vegetables, fruits, lean meats, unsaturated fats, and whole grains is a great guideline to base your general nutrition. Let’s dive into what foods helps specifically with aspects of mensuration that may not be so fun.

If you are unsure on the phases of the menstrual cycle, you can learn more here.

Common period symptoms:


-period poops

-heavy flow


-intense cravings

-low mood

Eating to support cramping and period poops:

Eat foods high in Omega-3 such as salmon, flaxseeds, chia seeds, and walnuts. Research on Omega-3 shows anti-inflammatory response which can help with lessening period cramping. The cause of cramping is from release of chemicals created in the body called prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are released when progesterone begins to fall, the start of menstruation. These chemicals cause an inflammatory response and the uterine to contract, in order to shed the lining. Same response from the prostaglandins can be used on clearing out your bowels, increasing the time spent on the toilet. Some camping is normal, but if you have severe cramping (or diarrhea) check in with your medical doctor. If you you have high amounts of cramping, considering supplementing with Omega-3.

My favorite Omega-3 source for lessening my body’s inflammation.

Zinc is another mineral that has been show to reduce length and severity of period pain (Batool Teimoori, et al). Foods that are high in zinc include: peanuts, beef, shell fish, whole grains, and eggs. Many of these foods also contain other vitamins and minerals helpful for a healthy menstrual cycle. Try my Chunky Monkey Yogurt bark for a zinc and magnesium filled snack.

Eating to support heavy blood flow:

Heavy periods are often a cause from excess estrogen or estrogen not metabolizing correctly. Eating to cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, Brussel sprouts, and cauliflower can help remove excess estrogen from the body. Cruciferous vegetables contain Indole-3-carbinol which alters estrogen metabolism (J J Michnovicz, et al).

If you struggle with heavy blood flow during menstruation make sure you are eating a lot of foods high in iron, to replace what is lost. An Iron supplement may be needed if extreme amounts of blood is lost each month.

Foods to eat to support energy during your period:

During your period you are losing blood, which contains iron. If iron is low in the body can feel fatigued and tired since oxygen is what carries oxygen around the body. One way to ensure you do not get low iron or anemia is to eat foods high in iron and vitamin C. Vitamin C supports absorption of iron.

My favorite way to get in iron is through grass-fed beef (hello hamburgers!) and leafy greens like spinach and arugula!

Super iron absorption combo: arugula salad with grass-feed beef steak, grapefruit and orange slices and a drizzle of olive oil. Yum a period friendly meal idea! Find more here.

What do I eat to support cravings?

First off, cravings are not necessarily a bad thing. They are an indicator on what is missing from our day to day diet such as certain minerals, electrolytes, or vitamins. Cravings can also stem from feeling excessively hungry, stressed, or desire for a mood boost. If you start craving things that are not food such as ice or dirt, talk to your medical doctor.

In order to prevent you from diving into a pool of sugar and fried foods, let’s make action to get in protein centered meals. Aiming to get protein with every meal will support you in feeling and staying full. Finding time to get in 3 balanced meals and snacks is a great way to ensure you are nourishing your body throughout your period. But enjoy some of your favorite comfort cravings as well. My favorite are ice cream, CHOCOLATE, and cheese burgers!

If you find yourself craving chocolate, this can be totally normal! Dark chocolate contains magnesium which triggers muscle to relax and calms the mind via neurotransmitter. Be mindful of the sugar which can trigger acne and elevated blood sugar levels. Pay attention to how you feel when eating any particular food.

Want more support in eating for your period?

Find my detailed period grocery shopping list here

You won’t want to miss the stress-free shopping list and symptom stopping meal ideas!

Girl I have been there! I used to go months without a period then the flood gates would open and cramps were shooting through me. And if I was not having pain from my period, I was having moodiness and extreme cravings. That is why I created my Whole Body Hormone Healing Program. You can apply here!

*This post is for educational purposes and should not be used in place of seeing your doctor in extreme cases of period pain or abnormal flows. All information in this post are general diet recommendations and should be individualized to fit your health needs.

*supplement links are affiliate through Amazon & I will receive some profit.


Barcikowska Z, Rajkowska-Labon E, Grzybowska ME, Hansdorfer-Korzon R, Zorena K. Inflammatory Markers in Dysmenorrhea and Therapeutic Options. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Feb 13;17(4):1191. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17041191. PMID: 32069859; PMCID: PMC7068519.

Michnovicz JJ, Bradlow HL. Altered estrogen metabolism and excretion in humans following consumption of indole-3-carbinol. Nutr Cancer. 1991;16(1):59-66. doi: 10.1080/01635589109514141. PMID: 1656396.

The omega fats. Today’s Dietitian. (n.d.).

Teimoori B, Ghasemi M, Hoseini ZS, Razavi M. The Efficacy of Zinc Administration in the Treatment of Primary Dysmenorrhea. Oman Med J. 2016 Mar;31(2):107-11. doi: 10.5001/omj.2016.21. PMID: 27168920; PMCID: PMC4861396.


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